Song of the True Hand

song_of_the_true_handSong of the True Hand(2006)

CD: $15.00
MP3: $15.00

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Elizabeth Reian Bennett’s CD Song of the True Hand, released in 2006, was nominated ‘Instrumental Album of the Year’ by Jon Sobel at Blogcritics Magazine. In describing it, Sobel wrote, “(it exemplifies)… the way a single individual with a musical instrument can wordlessly conjure the human spirit out of thin air.

Track 2 from Song of the True  Hand

Tsuki no kyoku (Song of the Moon)

Attributed to Arai Chikuo (1823-1908), this piece extols the rising of the moon on a dark night. It is written in the tradition of the early monk pieces collected by Kinko Kurosawa (d. 1771), and stands out for its narrative, melodic line, most likely due to modern influences.

Track 5 from Song of the True Hand

Ajikan (Meditation on the Sound of ‘A’)

I joined Elizabeth Erenberg on this album in a piece called “Spring Flute Duet” in four parts.

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